Classes are great to look into for many reasons. But one being you get to meet other expecting moms & share each other’s concerns (and excitements) face to face with each other!
Classes are also a great bonding experience for you & your partner! Learning skills together helps bring you closer together.
Find local classes in the area, or try some online classes!

Here are a couple classes we highly recommend trying while pregnant:
Labor & Birthing Class
- These classes are great for first time moms. Learn your options to make a birth plan for you. Go into childbirth prepared & ease your mind of any concerns or information overload you might be feeling!
Postpartum Prep
- So many of us are consumed by the preparation of our newest additions; We completely neglect something that is so, so important: Postpartum. Find a postpartum prep class near you & start planning for those months after birth. Prepare YOU for the 4th trimester with one of these classes
Lactation Education
- Whether you’re planning on breastfeeding or not, your body is still going to produce milk during your pregnancy. Learn all the ins and outs of lactation in one of these classes!